Nonghyup RedGinseng Puts the Health of People at the Top Priority!

Nonghyup RedGinseng Puts the Health of People at the Top Priority!

Brand Story

Nonghyup RedGinseng “Hansamin” has the meaning of “engraving Korean red ginseng on the world.”

Nonghyup RedGinseng, which is 100% domestically funded by the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, seeks to promote the health of consumers and increase the actual incomes of farmers, with a goal of becoming the best red ginseng company that consumers can trust and rely on.

We are trying to achieve the standard for
“Nonghyup is Korean red ginseng.”

Nonghyup is realizing the values of cooperatives and public interest, across the entire product lifecycle, including ginseng growing, ginseng purchase, processing, etc. On behalf of the government, Nonghyup also performs the declaration of ginseng cultivation, guidance on cultivation, and ginseng age determination, as stipulated by law.

“Hansamin,” the flagship brand of Nonghyup RedGinseng

“Hansamin” guarantees safety and reasonable price, using strict quality control and professional staff until products are delivered to the hands of customers, from expert guidance on ginseng growing, ginseng purchase, product manufacturing to delivery.

CI/BI of Nonghyup RedGinseng

Our Corporate Identity

Symbol Mark

The “V" shape is a variation of the "ㄴ" in the syllable "농." It means sprout and rice, and symbolizes the infinite development of the Nonghyup. The lower part, excluding the "V" shape, is a variation of the "ㅇ" in the syllable "업." It means peace and money and symbolizes cooperation and solidarity. In addition, the entire mark is a variation of the “ㅎ” in the syllable “협”, and "ㄴ+ㅎ" means the Nonghyup. It has the shape of a pot full of rice, symbolizing the prosperous development of the farming economy.


The signature is the official mark of Nonghyup RedGinseng, and combines the symbol and logo in a rational and balanced way.

Our Brand Identity

Symbol Mark

The meaning of “Hansamin” (engraving Korean red ginseng on the world) is in an octagonal frame, which shows a commitment to becoming a global brand by inheriting the reputation of Korean ginseng.


The signature is the official mark of Nonghyup RedGinseng, and combines the symbol and logo in a rational and balanced way.

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