How to Open a Store



New Store Opening Procedure


Commercial impact analysis and feasibility study
Selection of the best location based on a location and commercial impact analysis
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Confirmation of location and franchise agreement
Finalizing selection of store and franchise agreement
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Interior work and facilities construction
Applying standards for the franchise store
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Training for the new store owners
Basic training on the overall operation of the store, including products and customer satisfaction
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Store opening after promotion of the store
using leaflets, gifts, etc.



Opening Costs


ItemCost (plus VAT)Remarks
Interior work cost33 million wonBased on 13 pyeong (excluding heating and air-conditioning)
Franchise fee8.8 million won-
Initial goods30 million won-
Signage cost3.63 million wonLED signboard
Red ginseng extractor and packaging machine3.5 million wonDecoction and packaging machine (one unit, two-in-one system)
Total78.93 million won*Excluding rental cost
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